
Tinnitus cause symptoms and Home remedies


a sensation of noise (as a ringing or roaring) that is caused by a bodily condition (as a disturbance of the auditory nerve or wax in the ear) and typically is of the subjective form which can only be heard by the one affected.

Cause of Tinnitus

Tinnitus may develops a head injury, change in blood flow, high blood pressure, acoustic neuroma (It affects the hearing nerve) diabetes, and thyroid disorder

  • Hearing loss
  • Exposure to loud noise
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Ear infection
  • Ear Wac Build-up
  • Meniere's Diseases
  • Glue Ear
  • Otosclerious
  • Perforated Eardrum

Symptoms of Tinnitus

This type of phantom noise in your ear Ringing, Buzzing, Roaring, Clicking, Hissing. The sound of tinnitus may be constant or it may come and go intermittently. Tinnitus can be loud, soft or any volume in between and the sound can range form a low-pitched roar to a higher- pitched  squeal.

There are two type of Tinnitus

1. Subjective tinnitus is perception of sound in the absence of an acoustic stimulus and is heard only by the patient. Most tinnitus is subjective. 

2. Objective tinnitus is uncommon and results from noise generated by structures near the ear sometimes the tinnitus is loud enough to be heard by the examiner.

Best Remedies for Tinnitus

  • Glycerin And Salt -   Taking a 1 teaspoon of Glycerin and Salt both are mix within a water .And Store this solution in a  spray bottle. Then spray your nostrils with this solution daily.
  • Pineapple - Taking a pineapple and cut it into a small pieces after peeling. Blend these piece with a glass of water. Sip on this throught the day. You can just chew on these pineapple pieces at regular intervals.
  • Ginkgo Biloba - Taking a  120 mg  Ginkgo-Biloba supplement consume ginkto biloba supplement . You must consume this supplement twice daily for 6 Weeks
  • Chamomile Tea -  Taking a 1 tablespoon to Comfrey, Cinnamon and Chamomile  with 1 cup Water  and a Honey mix Comfrey, Cinnamon and  Chamomile and Store it in an  a container. Taking a teaspoon of this mixture and add it to  a cup of water. Bring this to a soil in a saucepan. Allow this mixture to simmer for 5-10 , mintues. Strain and consume before it turns cold. you can also add honey to the flavor.  
  • Apple Cider Vinegar -  You make a mixture of 2 tablespoon of the vinegar and a small amount of honey in a water glass. You just need to drink this mixture 2-3 times every day until your ringing sensation stops.
  • Onions - At first, you chop 1 small-sized onion into many smaller pieces. Next, you place them in the microwave for a few minutes. Allow it to cool down and then strain it out the juice. After that, you place 2-3 drops of the juice in the affected ear. Finally, allow it to rest in your ear for about 5 minutes, and then turn the head to permit it to be drained out.  You can repeat this method 2 – 3 times a week to reduce your tinnitus.
  • Oregano - Oregano can be used to make tea. At first toy ass 1 tablespoon of oregano in a cup of hot water. Next , you let steep fir about 15 minutes. Finally, you strain and then drink it 3 times a day. If not, you can eat  a  of oregano daily.

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