
Bhujangasana ( cobra Pose ) | Technique | Benefits

The name comes from the Sanskrit words "snake" or "serpent". In this posture, lie flat on the floor, face downwards, lift the body up from the trunk and throw the head back like a serpent about to strike.


  1. Lie on the floor face downwards. Extend the legs, keeping the feet together. Keep knees tight and the toes pointing

  2. Rest the palms by the side of the pelvic region

  3. Inhale, press the palms firmly on the floor and lift the body up from the trunk until the pubis is in contact with the floor and stay in this position with the weight in the  legs and palms.

  4. Contract the anus and the buttocks, tighten the thighs.

  5. Maintain the pose for about 20 second, breathing normally.

  6. Exhale, bend the elbows and rest the trunk on the floor .repeat the pose two or three times and then relax.

  1. By making Bhujangasan, the heart becomes stronger. This posture is helpful for making kundilini yog.

  2. Fatigue caused back pain if only seating is done only once, and then there is no any pain.

  3. The posture is a panacea for an injured spine and in case of slight displacement of spinal discs the practice of this pose replaces the discs in their original position.The spinal region is toned and the  chest fully expended.

  4. All the faults of backbone are removed by doing Bhujangasana.

  5. Chest and Stomach develops and their diseases disappear.

  6. Tiredness is due to excessive labor is, removed. Body comes to enthusiasm.

  7. This posture is beneficial for cough .

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